Hi Dorothy fans,
Having just got back from the 41st Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival, I can’t wait to show you some of the beauty. I have to say: a weekend is not enough time to see and absorb all the wooden boatiness that was to be seen! And the weather was truly PNW style: everything from wet and drizzly to dazzlingly sunny.
Here are some of my favourite shots:

Friday night at rest in Point Hudson Harbour
Saturday was mostly a grey day, but no one in the PNW would shy away from getting on the water just because of a lack of sun!

Slim bow of the 1926 Ted Geary-built “Pirate”. Mouthwatering. Follow Dorothy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dorothysails1897/
Saturday night we had a spectacular full rainbow…
and Sunday morning dawned perfectly bright and glorious…
Sunday morning we witnessed the tradition of the bell ringing for those who crossed the bar in 2017. It hit all of of us particularly hard this year, as Johnny West was named and remembered. Carol Hasse did a beautiful job simply naming those who are missing among our nautical community. (I’ll post a video of the ceremony as soon as I get my new website, with lots of room for video, up and running.
This email is overly long already, but before I close I wanted to post some hearty thanks:
- to our friends Capt Bill and Brother Jim (his official title) who helped and hosted the Canadian (transient) population aboard Messenger III:
- to Hasse (can’t get a picture of her, she moves too quick!) aboard her ever-classy folkboat Lorraine:
- to Don and Janet who let many stay in their “Fish Holdtel” aboard Pacific and are always great fun to be with:
- to Michael aboard Stitch
- and finally a massive shout out and many thanks for the good times to the Off Center Harbor crew, Steve Stone (pictured below left) and Eric Blake, who came out from Maine to spend their days collecting stories about our west coast fishboats, forestry boats and mission boats – which will come out soon in some spectacular video series on their website. If you haven’t signed up for their videos, you should definitely check it out because they do have the BEST boat video website going.
And finally, if you aren’t following Dorothy’s Instagram account @dorothysails1897, you’re missing out on some action!

A 1945 Norwegian Langesund sailing skiff called Havhesten, 19 ft of beauty. Oh so lovely! #sailing #skiff #porttownsend #pnwunplugged #pnwlife #woodenboat #woodenboatfestival #smallboats #classicboat #norwegian #dorothysails #dorothyatfest
I will follow up on news from Victoria’s Classic Boat Festival in the next few days, as well as info about how to order our new Anniversary Tees (1897-2017 = 120 years old!) and 2018 Calendars and Art Cards.
Til then, may fair winds keep you in good spirits and bright heart!
Tobi, Tony and Dorothy